Used and trusted by

Voith GmbH & Co. KGaA
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Trusted by industry leaders worldwide

Instantly Access Crucial Information with Advanced AI

Get lightning-fast access to information with innovative AI by simply asking for it. Our AI is specifically trained on technical data like spare parts, circuit diagrams, and service reports. With a focus on mechanical engineering and related industries, we not only understand the terms but also grasp complex relationships—right down to the details shown in circuit diagrams.

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Precise Search Results Through Contextual Understanding

Our technology understands the context of your queries—after an initial training phase. Our AI learns your organization’s specific language and key terms. It understands the meaning behind internal terminology and applies it in the right context. This enables our search to deliver unmatched results that are precisely tailored to your organization.

Results You Can Trust

Trust every response with confidence. Our AI only delivers results based on reliable source documents. This means if a query lacks matching data, no answer is generated, avoiding false information. This transparency protects against so-called hallucinations and ensures you can rely on the results. Additionally, the knowledge base can be expanded at any time, allowing the system to grow with your organization. Security and transparency are our top priorities.

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Boost Productivity with a Continuously Learning AI

Our AI combines generative technologies with organization-specific training, enabling it to continuously learn and become more precise. It facilitates feedback loops, allowing your team to optimize the algorithm. Any discovered knowledge is instantly made available for others, ensuring the system evolves alongside your business and delivers increasingly better results the more it’s used.

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Boost Productivity with AI-Powered Search Technology

Transform your productivity with our AI-powered search tools, enabling faster, more accurate access to information and enhancing your overall efficiency.

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Using KNOWRON's deep neural search is like asking a colleague who always has the answer. Before, I’d either spend ages searching through desktop folders or even handwritten notes, or I’d have to interrupt a teammate - if they had the time to help. It’s simple, fast, and lets everyone focus on their work without constant interruptions.

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Thomas Schneider, Service Technician in Intralogistics and Warehouse Automation

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Since integrating Deep Neural Search into our field operations, our workflow has transformed dramatically. We've seen a significant reduction in search times, allowing our team to focus on high-priority tasks rather than sifting through data. This tool has not only boosted our productivity but also enhanced our overall operational efficiency. We couldn't be more impressed!

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Michael Schwaerzler
Sr. Manager Field Application
AI Document Management Systems For Product Support

How To Choose The Best DMS For Your Product Support

Organizations often face big challenges with both paper and digital document management. AI-powered Document Management Systems (DMS) offer a powerful solution: they can process and store digital documentation more efficiently, eliminating wasted time, improving collaboration, and speeding up workflows. KNOWRON boasts Multi-Language Support, Auto Translation, Keyword and NLP-powered Search, Meta Data, and Rich Media Support in one robust package! You can read more about it in this article.

Miriam Messana


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Natural Language Processing

Supercharging RAG with Knowledge Graphs

How classical knowledge graphs can be combined with RAG to produce better summaries.


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Discover What Makes Our AI Search Smarter and More Industry-Specific

Our AI search model is tailored for industry-specific insights, delivering unparalleled accuracy and relevance compared to generic systems.